Saturday, June 20, 2009

Life Changing Conference

Today I was blessed with the ability to attend a Voice of the Martyrs Conference right here in Ft Lauderdale, Florida.  The stories and the testimonies that these speakers shared at this conference made a great impact on me.                                                             (check out their website:

The speakers told about all the horrible persecution that happens all around the world because of people’s belief and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.  Persecuted for their faith!!  WOW!  That may be unthinkable to you or you may not be able to imagine being persecuted – tortured, killed, mutilated, hung, beaten, raped – for your faith and/or beliefs because you are blessed to live in a free country such as United States, but here is the reality:

In 52 Countries the Holy Bible is Illegal!

Christians are persecuted for going to church.  Christians are persecuted for sharing the gospel – the story of Jesus Christ.  You are probably thinking – THAT’S CRAZY!  Well, yes it is, but you know what is just as crazy as that?

Many Christians in the United States and in other politically FREE countries take their freedom for granted.  Christians in the NON-FREE countries go to church anyway even though they know they will be subject to persecution, while many Christians in the FREE countries go to church because they feel like it is a “to-do” item on their lists. 

Man, that is CRAZY! 

Listening to those testimonies made me realize that I, as a Christ Follower, a Christian, need to attend church with an incredible gratitude that God has blessed us with FREEDOM to worship, to praise Him, to share is Word, and to fellowship with other believers.  And furthermore, I need to go after reaching my God potential with everything I’ve GOT because I am FREE to do so!!!

 Lord I pray for the millions of Christians around the world that are being persecuted for their faith in YOU, Lord.  Please give them the courage, the strength, and the wisdom to stay the course and to keep the eyes of their hearts focused on you Lord.  I pray for the families that have been left with no mother or father, husband or wife – give them strength and peace.  Fill their hearts with your love and give them the courage to forgive their enemies.  Thank you Lord.  In Jesus’ Name. AMEN!

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